At this year’s Dies philosophicus, our former student Antony Henk, M.A., was awarded the “Fakultätspreis” of the Philosophical Faculty for his excellent M.A. thesis. Antony, who is now a colleague at the university of Bochum, wrote his thesis on “The Scottish Book Trade and Blind Hary’s Wallace, 1488—1620”. On 120 pages of text plus a 20-page strong bibliography he traces the details of how Blind Hary’s Scottish national epic, the late-fifteenth century Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, was received and presented by Scottish printers up to the early seventeenth century. His discussion includes a multitude of inspiring aspects: the acquisition of printing privileges, the choice of fonts, the possibilities of reconstructing missing editions, and more. His thesis was supervised by Dr. Göran Wolf, and in his laudation, second supervisor Dr. Dirk Schultze commended Antony and his achievements as well as his commitment to Medieval English Studies at the festive Dies philosophicus in the Aula, where Antony received the award from the Dean, Prof. Dr. Christoph Bräuer.