The 11th Göttinger Gespräche on Agricultural Law on the topic "Truth in Agricultural Law"
Truth in Agricultural Law
The 11th Göttinger Gespräche on Agricultural Law took place on Friday, November 4, 2022 on the topic "Truth in Agricultural Law". The event was held in the Alte Mensa (Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen) from 09:00 to 16:30 o'clock.The basic idea for last year's topic is that agricultural law, as a technical instrument for achieving or modifying realities that have been established as true, makes particular use of expert knowledge. This gave rise to various guiding questions, which the participants dealt with in depth during the event: Is scientific knowledge true and objective? Is not all knowledge value-bound, political and controversial? What procedures at European and national level are necessary to generate knowledge on the basis of which society can make democratically-legitimised decisions? Do the legal protection procedures at the ECJ guarantee the establishment of truth? Can there be a true agricultural law if its premises (e.g. family farming, food costs, labelling) are false? As abstract as the topic seems, its effects are concrete in legislation as well as in enforcement and case law.