"Arbeitsmarktqualifikation und -chancen von Sportabsolventinnen und -absolventen in der Europäischen Union"
Financed by Life Long Learning Programme (01.10.2013 - 30.09.2015)
Youth unemployment in the EU is increasing, with some countries experiencing unemployment of under 25-year-olds at over 40%. The EU sport sector represents a labour-intensive growth industry likely to lead to additional employment growth. The sector has a major role in contributing to achieving goals defined in Europe's strategy for sustainable and inclusive growth (Europe 2020), employment (European Employment Strategy) and the future of young people (Youth on the Move).
The aim of the project is to improve the employability of sports related graduates in the EU. This study addresses the following three aspects related to employability and lifelong learning:
- To further understand, from the perspective of graduates, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and employers the current and future needs, skills and competencies required for graduates.
- To develop a network of HEIs and employers to enable employers to input into curricula.
- To support HEIs to develop employability related courses and opportunities within curricula.
Leadership: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schröder / Prof. Dr. Ina Hunger
Research Assistant: Alexander Thiel
Student Assistant: Maybritt Elxnat
Links: www.egsproject.eu

Partner Links: 1. University of Gloucestershire - www.glos.ac.uk 2. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - www.uni-goettingen.de 3. Universidad de Murcia - www.um.es 4. Universite de Strasbourg - www.unistra.fr 5. Univerzita Palackeho - www.upol.cz/en 6. University of Thessaly - www.uth.gr/en 7. Cheltenham & 8. El Pozo Murcia -www.eldpozomurcia.com