Jannika Kuehn, M.A., MA EuCu
After finishing high school, Jannika spent several months working and traveling in New Zealand. Back in Germany, she studied cultural anthropology as her first, and pedagogics as her second major at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen with an exchange semester at the National University of Singapore. After graduating in September 2010 as Magister Atrium, she studied Euroculture at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands. As part of the Euroculture professional track, she had the opportunity to spend four months in Brussels working as an intern for an international non-governmental organization.
Within her Magister and Master studies, Jannika especially focused on sustainable and cultural tourism, qualitative research (especially discourse analysis), transnationalism, intercultural communication and had a regional focus South East Asia.
From April 1, 2012- March 31, 2014, Jannika was working as Academic Assistant responsible for research related tasks and coordination.