
Current information:
Dr. Marion Brehm is unfortunately not on site due to illness and cannot be reached. Please contact the secretariat (Tina Färber) or the scientific staff/ employees. Therefore, the event will not take place at the moment, unfortunately.

The course "Leadership" deals with current issues and classical methods of successful leadership of employees. In this context, the most important leadership theoretical basic positions, leadership styles as well as leadership instruments are explained - but also applied and critically reflected.
The lecture slides and the literature relevant to the exam will be made available for download in StudIP.

Here you can find the event in eCampus


Employee performance and motivation are largely determined by the quality of leadership. Often, the difference between demotivation on the one hand and committed cooperation on the other is rooted in the quality of leadership.

In the lecture Leadership you will deal with current issues and classical methods of successful leadership of employees. Within this framework, the most important basic positions of leadership theory are explained - but also applied and critically reflected upon. In addition, different leadership styles as well as leadership instruments will be presented, compared and critically analyzed, and the importance of communication in leadership will be highlighted.

In addition, important competencies of executives are elaborated and classic and modern methods of executive development are presented and put up for discussion.

Complementary to the lecture, you can apply for the course Negotiation, in which necessary soft skills of leadership negotiation are deepened and trained (for a detailed description of this course see ,Negotiation').