Academic advisory council for teaching and learning
In order to discuss advancements in teaching and learning and to further ongoing processes at the University of Göttingen based on national and international expertise, the University of Göttingen has originated an external academic advisory council. This council advises the University of Göttingen in strategic and operational questions concerning teaching and learning. Going forward, it will congregate to discuss current developments and to initiate and support the processes within teaching and learning.
The academic advisory council for teaching and learning is comprised of the following external members.
- Dr. Isabella Buck, Competence & Career Center an der Hochschule RheinMain
- Mirjam Evers, Beyond HR Consulting Bremen
- Prof. Dr. med. Martin Fischer, Universität München
- Prof. Dr. Aloys Krieg, RWTH Aachen
- Prof. Dr. Niclas Schaper, Universität Paderborn
- Prof. Dr. Adalbert F.X. Wilhelm, Jacobs University Bremen
- Daryoush Danaii, Student an der Leibniz Universität Hannover