
CBL hosts / CBL Members participate in:

Dialogue on the future of soil biodiversity monitoring November 25-26, 2024

Soil biodiversity is the basis for resilient ecosystems, healthy soils and sustainable agricultural production. Soil biodiversity is under permanent threat. Various official initiatives have been launched in recent years to establish a Germany-wide monitoring system. The DBG (Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft) and the GfÖ (Gesellschaft für Ökologie), together with the Campus Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use at the University of Göttingen, are inviting you to a two-day workshop in Göttingen to deepen the dialog between science and official implementation.
register before Nov 1st, 2024

The traveling circus comes to Göttingen on October 28-30, 2024

From October 28 to 30, 2024, the University of Göttingen will be vacating its best hall and hosting the traveling circus for a third time. In addition to exploring the teaching/learning worlds of others, the program for the now 60 circus people includes an understanding of what demanding, critical sustainability and living democracy in university teaching actually means in concrete terms.
Come in!

Forest Science Week

The Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology hosts two scientific afternoon sessions on November, 28th and 29th, 2023. We invite all faculty members, students and guests to eight keynote lectures. On Tuesday afternoon PhD students of the RTG 2300 organise a mini conference. On Wednesday afternoon the faculty postdoctoral network Forest Sciences is inviting early career researchers from Germany and Europe to present and network. The program, registration and event locations are here

Symposium “Forests in the Anthropocene”

The Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology invited all faculty members and students to an interdisciplinary symposium on with eight scientific talks on June 30th, 2022, 1 - 7.30 pm. The presented research topics ranged from the molecular level, genomics, ecophysiology to the hydrology of landscapes, remote sensing and broad-scale modeling. Program here

AG-Bienentagung 2021

Catrin Westphal and the CBL virtually hosted the 68. Annual Assembly of the Association of the German Bee Research Institutes e.V. on 24. März 2021. The program and abstract book can be downloaded here

United in Diversity - A Europe of Sustainability

The University of Göttingen and its partners in the European higher education network ENLIGHT organised a European conference on 19 and 20 November 2020. Participants discussed the challenges of a sustainable development of our society and possible contributions of science to it, either by communicating relevant research results or by developing new research questions and projects.

15-16th November 2019: Conference Sustainable Land Use at Göttingen University - CBL co-organisor

The Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use hosted November 2019 together with the University of Göttingen, the Association of German Scientists and the Adam von Trott Foundation in the frame of the series "Science for Peace and Sustainability" the conference on Sustainable Land Use.
The documentation can be viewed under following link.

18-20th September 2019: Tropentag 2019 at Kassel - CBL was co-organisor

Entitled "Filling the gaps and removing the traps for sustainable resource development" CBL and Centre for International Rural Development at the University of Göttingen jointly organised the Tropentag 2019.
conference webpage

From April 2018 on: Guest lectures series of RTG 2300 at CBL is starting.

Five lectures with well-known external Speakers were on the program during the summer semester 2018:
click here

24.-27. September 2018: FowiTa Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung

The Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology and CBL hosted the FowiTa in Göttingen. More information:

On 09. and 10. October 2018 6th Forum Agroforestry Systems took place in Göttingen

Please look up the website of the forum: