S1: NLR protein SNC1 nucleocytoplasmic translocation and complex formation
Marcel Wiermer & Xin Li
PhD student: Daniel Lüdke
Plants have evolved intracellular nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat-containing proteins (NLRs) that function as sensors of pathogen-derived molecules and trigger immune responses. The auto-active NLR protein variant snc1 resides in the cytoplasm and the nucleus and its nuclear accumulation is required for constitutive defense responses activated in snc1 mutant plants. In close collaboration with the lab of Xin Li who aims to identify and characterize cytoplasmic and nuclear snc1 protein complexes, this doctoral research project will investigate the molecular mechanisms and components of the nuclear trafficking machinery that regulate nucleocytoplasmic partitioning of auto-active and wild-type SNC1 as well as a related NLR, using biochemical, genetic, cell biological and molecular approaches.