In publica commoda

The University of Göttingen is an internationally renowned research university. Founded in 1737 in the Age of Enlightenment, the University is committed to the values of social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and justice. It offers a comprehensive range of subjects across 13 faculties: in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and medicine. With about 28,000 students and more than 210 degree programmes, the University is one of the largest in Germany.

New press releases

More resources needed to protect birds in Germany

Researchers at the Göttingen University and Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) developed citizen science platforms as a new data source to evaluate the effectiveness of the 742 protected areas for birds across Germany. This research shows that although these areas are well placed, their effectiveness varies greatly. When  protected areas were compared with unprotected sites that showed similar geographical characteristics, only a few species thrived better inside these areas.


Foundation Committee strongly rejects Senate's proposal

At its special meeting on 21 October 2024, the University Foundation Committee discussed the Senate's proposal to vote out the President of the University of Göttingen, Professor Metin Tolan. The result of the meeting was that it rejected the proposal very clearly.


Biodiversity change amidst disappearing human traditions

A Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science has been awarded to Dr Gergana Daskalova. The fellowship funds Daskalova’s research project “Biodiversity change amidst disappearing human traditions and changing socio-economics”. She joins Göttingen University's Department of Conservation Biology. The five-year fellowship, which is worth over €530,000, will enable Daskalova to investigate the ecological and human fingerprints of land abandonment - from both a local and global viewpoint.


Skill and technique in Bronze Age spear combat

How can we tell whether and how a prehistoric weapon was used? How can we better understand the dexterity and combat skills involved in Bronze Age spear fighting? A research team including Göttingen University present a new approach to answering these questions: they simulated the actual fight step-by-step to get new insights into fighting styles and the formation of marks on the weapons. In addition, they took into account how these marks change over time.

Sehr gut schneidet die Universität im Bereich Forschungsqualität ab, hier erreichte sie einen Score von 88,2 von möglichen 100 Punkten.

University of Göttingen in Germany’s top ten

Good results for the University of Göttingen. In the current university ranking of the UK’s Times Higher Education (THE), Göttingen was able to maintain its position of 10th place in Germany. In the world rankings, it came 121st this year. The University scored very well in the area of research quality, achieving a score of 88.2 out of a possible 100 points.


Nitrogen pollution drives forest plants west

The movement of plant species across Europe has mainly been attributed to climate change. However, a new study shows that other environmental factors play an important role. An international research team examined the biodiversity of forests in relation to climate change and the input of nitrogen and sulphur. The study found that many European forest plant species are moving in a westerly direction, and that movement in this direction is more common than towards the north.



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