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Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology (B.A.) (two subjects)


Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology (KA/EE) deals with everyday life worlds in historical and contemporary perspectives. In Göttingen's B.A. programme, they explore and research focal points such as work, leisure, housing, mobility, clothing, gender, migration, corporealities, health and illness and many more. In their studies, they intensively examine various cultural forms and practices, but also institutions, milieus and scenes that characterise European societies. In doing so, you will not only observe the constancy and change of everyday life, but also actively participate in solving social problems. This application orientation and practical deepening are promoted within the framework of our degree programme through participation in excursions and internships, among other things.

Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (2 subjects)
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
open (enrolment without previous application)
Orientation events:
at the begin of your studies Orientation events are offered

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Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology (CAEE) is a discipline that combines cultural and social science approaches and deals with everyday forms of life in European societies. It asks how these forms of life and their institutional conditions have developed, how they change and how they are connected to symbolic orders, conflicts, politics and (future) developments. A guiding question is how people deal with transformation processes such as globalisation, digitalisation and migration and how they help to shape them - in the present, but also in a historical perspective. The Göttingen Institute is one of the largest cultural anthropology university institutes in the German-speaking world, both in its teaching and in its research.

The CAEE studies cultural forms and practices, but also institutions, groups, milieus or scenes as dynamic phenomena that are constantly re-emerging. Unlike many other subjects, CAEE practices research "at eye level" with its research partners - through methods such as participant observation, qualitative interviews and (micro-)historical archive studies. The focus is on a broad concept of culture, less on so-called high culture. The subject particularly reflects the effects that arise from the social proximity and/or distance between researchers and their research fields. The everyday life that surrounds us, which is studied in CAEE, is always locally located, but is also shaped by transnational or global processes. The "European" in the discipline's name includes an interest in various European regions - and in processes of Europeanisation. The discipline is related to history, sociology, literature and media studies, cultural musicology, religious studies, gender studies and ethnology. CAEE is not, however, a comparative regional geography of Europe.

The Göttingen Institute is one of the largest cultural anthropology university institutes in the German-speaking world in terms of its teaching and research. In addition to the range of introductory courses (cultural theories, methods of field research, cultural-historical research, introduction to CAEE), the courses focus primarily on the following areas:

  • Forms and rituals of everyday life
  • Communicating and narrating
  • Pop culture/popular culture
  • Migration and border regime research
  • Racism and postcolonial perspectives
  • Cultures of social inequality
  • Gender Studies
  • Ethnographic film and visual culture
  • Digital Cultures
  • Material culture and technology
  • Forms of politics and the political
  • Europeanisation
  • City and regional studies
  • Museology and museum practice
  • Value creation from culture and cultural property

A degree from CAEE qualifies graduates to work in a wide range of professional fields. It does not train students for a specific profession. The subject-specific mix of empirical methods (i.e. own research in the field) and theory trains students to categorise everyday processes culturally and politically, as well as to reflect critically on their own position. The insight into diverse subject areas during the degree programme also lays a broad foundation for later professional fields. Internships at home and abroad are an integral part of the BA programme and offer the opportunity to gain initial professional experience along personal interests. CAEE graduates work in:

  • Economics
  • Museums, print and online media
  • Documentary film
  • Universities and research institutes
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Foundations
  • Press and public relations
  • Publishers
  • Cultural management, policy, work, administration
  • Market research and advertising
  • Film, theatre and literature business...

For BA students, the Göttingen Institute regularly offers courses from the teaching focus Visual Anthropology, the so-called Curriculum Visual Anthropology (CVA), for example seminars on the history of audio-visual media in ethnocultural studies and on image and film analysis. Exercises are also taught on the practical application of ethnographic media work, especially film. This offer is supplemented by further courses on the diverse discourses of visual anthropology, media anthropology, visual studies etc. Many of these courses are open to all students of the university through crediting as a key competence. In addition, students from other universities can participate in the summer school on the practice of ethnographic film, which usually takes place every two years.

Consecutive/graduate programmes

Consecutive/graduate programmes


In the two-subject Bachelor's degree programme, you study two subjects in equal measure.

In the B.A., the standard period of study is 6 semesters, during which you must acquire a total of 180 credits.

The two subjects each account for 66 credits. 36 credits are allotted to the professionalisation area. 12 credits are allotted to the Bachelor's thesis.

The courses (combined in modules) that are scheduled in both subjects each to the extent of 66 credits are referred to as the core curriculum.

Core Curriculum

In the module directory (see below) you will find the core curriculum of the subject. The core curriculum defines the modules you must complete in order to graduate from your degree programme.

The CAEE modules usually combine two classes of a thematic focus. They are usually taken in the pre-scheduled order. The modules are sometimes offered only in the winter or summer semester (especially in the first two semesters and in the CVA).

Professionalisation area in the two-subject Bachelor

The professionalisation area allows you to give your degree programme an individual focus. It is divided into two areas: the elective area and the key competencies, both of which comprise 18 credits.

The configuration of the elective area determines your study profile. You choose this depending on your study goal and career aspirations.

You can fill the key competence area in all profiles with freely selectable modules from the permitted range. The University of Göttingen offers a wide range of qualification programmes in various competence areas.

The profiles in the CAEE two-subject Bachelor decide on the design of the professionalisation area. All profiles enable you to study a Master of Arts qualifying in the subject area. The profiles in the CAEE are available in German only.

  • The subject-specific profile
    This profile is characterised by the fact that additional subject-related modules to the extent of 18 credits are taken in one of the two subjects.
  • The professional field-related profile
    The optional area of this profile serves to acquire knowledge and competences that prepare you for entry into a non-scientific profession. You can also take modules from the non-humanities (e.g. law) field - as long as they are open to students of other subjects.
  • Studium Generale
    This profile has the most open structure in the Bachelor. You can freely choose from all the modules offered by the university, as long as they are open to students of other subjects. A profile can also be changed in the course of the degree programme.

Regulations and module directory


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)

Our Campus

Your Studies


Study and examination advice Faculty of Humanities

Tina Seufer and Eva Wolff

Humboldtallee 17
DE-37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21888 (Seufer)
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 26713 (Wolff)



Academic advisory service

Marie Fröhlich M. A.

Institute for Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
Room KWZ 1.627
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21206


Erasmus+ expert advice

Dr. Stefanie Mallon

Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
Room KWZ 1.615
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21205


Bachelor specialist advice

Manuel Bolz

Institute for Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
Room KWZ 1.634
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 24599
