Yasmin FiedlerEDUCATIONCollege / UniversityGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenHighest DegreeBachelor of ScienceMajor SubjectsBiology |
CountryGermany |
Lab Experience
EEG prepping, fixation, histology, mutagenesis of D. Melanogaster, creation and execution of human and animal behavioral experiments, microscopy, participant and experiment management, psychophysiological and behavioral experiments Analysis/Programming: R, formR, MatLab and PythonProjects / Research
2021: Bachelor thesis: "Understanding the Uncanny Valley: Examining the Effect of Facial Proportion Inconsistency on Affinity and Trustworthiness Ratings" Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology, University of GöttingenScholarships / Awards
2022 – 2023: | Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School |