Agribusiness (MBA)
The part-time program is designed as a management continuing education program and is completed with the globally recognized title "Master of Business Administration" (MBA). The program imparts technical and methodological competencies in the essential areas of management. The focus is on the special requirements and the specific value chains, markets and legal framework conditions of the agricultural and food industry and is based on current findings from agricultural and management research.
- Name:
- Agribusiness (MBA)
- Degree:
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Standard period of study:
- 5 semesters, part-time
- Start:
- October; other start times possible
- Language of the programme:
- German, partly materials in English
- Admission:
- restricted (application to the Faculty)
- Special features:
- Chargeable; own Fee Schedule
Get to know us
In this part-time MBA program, which was developed at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Göttingen, economic knowledge and management skills are taught specifically tailored to agribusiness and based on the value chains of the agricultural and food sector. In this way, in addition to agronomists and economists, career changers are also specifically prepared for management tasks and leadership positions in agribusiness enterprises. An understanding of current developments in agribusiness is trained. At the same time, expertise and skills in scientific work are taught as a basis for sound analyses in agribusiness.
Some concentrations from the MBA Agribusiness program can also be completed as independent certificate courses. Individual modules can also be booked (certificate of attendance).
Advanced study programs
The MBA program has a modular structure: Ten modules are studied one after the other, not in parallel. They each last seven weeks. (The order of the modules may vary.) The program is completed with a master's thesis, for which a maximum duration of nine months is planned.
Periods of self-study are combined with attendance times ("blended learning") in order to combine the greatest possible flexibility in terms of time and space with personal contacts and the opportunity to form networks. For self-study, materials are provided on the ILIAS learning platform. In each module, there is one attendance weekend in Göttingen (Friday 2:00 p.m. to Saturday 5:00 p.m.) as well as weekly evening webinars (online seminars).
90 ECTS points are awarded for the MBA Agribusiness master's degree program. One point corresponds to a working time of 30 hours. This results in a total workload of 2700 hours. Per module the workload is 180 hours. Part of this is covered by the attendance hours. For the self-study, approx. 15 hours of work per week are to be expected.

Regulations and module directory
Application deadlines
- The application deadline for studies starting in the winter semester is June 30; however, applications are in principle possible at any time.
Start of studies on October 1 of each year.
Other start dates are possible (at the beginning of each module).
Access requirements
- A first university degree (Master's degree (or equivalent, e.g. Diplom, Magister) or Bachelor's degree in the fields of agricultural sciences, economics and social sciences, law, engineering, natural sciences or in a closely related field).
- Qualified, post-graduate work experience (two years).
Language requirements
- If your native language is not German, you must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the German language at the DSH-2 level.
Academic Advising
Dr. Regina Hebisch
Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Phone: 0551 39 28461