CeMIS Resources
The Centre for Modern Indian Studies holds several archival collections and research repositories, as well as documentary resources for teaching and research. These were developed over time, through the work of individual researchers, collaborative research projects, as well as donations. A few of these collections are accessible online, while the rest can be consulted in person at the University of Göttingen.
Personal and institutional collections
Enid Perlin Collection: Oral Labour History of Coimbatore
Ian Kerr Collection: Railway History of South Asia
ILO India monthly reports (1929-1969)
Resources for research and teachingIan Kerr Collection: Railway History of South Asia
ILO India monthly reports (1929-1969)
Tutorial project on the course "India in Germany between the world wars"
Anleitung wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Bibliography Prisons in Colonial India
External linksAnleitung wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Bibliography Prisons in Colonial India