To live and to learn together
As residents of the Theologisches Stift we profit from the strong communal aspect of the house. The Stift does not just offer affordable living prices, but also a good atmosphere for studying and the chance to be a part of a diverse community. We welcome not just students of theology, but students of all subjects.

We, for example, support each other when it comes to learning the old languages or by answering all the different questions that come up over the course of our studies. In this sense it is of great value that we have students of different semesters and subjects living in the Stift. Furthermore, the house really benefits from the resident’s interests, which they share with each other through different ‘Stift-exercises’, like Latin practices, or Darts, chess and watching ‘Tatort’ together.

As a house of study and training center for religious studies, the Stift offers its residents academic support and advice through the Stiftsinspektor. In the context of the range of courses of the theology department the Inspektor also offers a course in the Stift, which pertain to their area of specialty. The residents of the Stift have access to a seminar room, as well as a furnished in-house library with over a thousand different titles.

While classes are in session, the Stift community is shaped largely by the student led government. Monday through Thursday, the residents of the Stift share communal lunch and dinner together. Every resident has to take over the task of laying the table and tidying afterwards. Four time per semester a plenum takes place, which is obligatory and in which all concerns pertaining to life in the Stift are handled. They are organized and led by a council, which consists of the Stiftsinspektor and elected residents from the Stift. The council meets once a week and is responsible for all current business and questions pertaining to planning and Stift activities.

At the beginning of each semester, during a weekend retreat, we decide on activities which will take place on our house evenings during the semester. Traditionally, these activities are being held on Monday evenings. These activities have covered a broad spectrum, ranging from barbecues in the Stift’s garden to music and cultural events organized by the residents of the Stift to guest lecturers and panel discussions. In addition, our “Ephorus” is a regular guest at events and common meals and is available to address residents' concerns.

Your involvement in the Stift
Since our house only flourishes when every resident adds something to the community, it is customary that one takes over a ministry, which means taking responsibility for a certain part of the everyday life of the house. There is, for example, a ministry for application, for the party, for our finances or for holding devotions for the residents. In their ministry and beyond it is where everyone does their part and shares their personal talents with the house.

Social project
Each semester, the residents choose a social project, for which they will raise money during the following semester, mainly through the proceeds of the Stiftsparty and the cultural evening. In the winter term of 2024/25, the proceeds are going towards the support of the project ‘Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Sternenlichter gGmbH’. more information about the current social project ...