Completing your degree

The following points provide an overview of the different phases of the degree.

The third section details the necessary steps to complete your degree. If you come across any questions that are not (or insufficiently) covered in this text, please let us know.

The first step towards completing your degree is the form "Application for doctoral examination". There are no fixed examination dates. You can submit your application at any time. With this application, you nominate the thesis evaluators and at least one additional member for your examination board. Please note the information on the formal requirements that apply to your selection and nomination.

Please note that the reporting obligation and the credit requirements of your PhD programme must be fulfilled for admission to the doctoral examination. The recognition of courses can take several weeks. It is therefore recommended that you arrange for module recognition in advance.

Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded to the Graduate Committee, which will appoint your examination board.

After your reviewers are appointed, three hard copies and a searchable digital version of your thesis are required.

You can submit the thesis directly with the application or later. A period of 6 weeks is allowed for the preparation of the reviews. The dissertation and the reviews will then be made available to all authorised examiners of the faculties for a period of at least two weeks. The confidential inspection cannot be shortened.

The oral examination takes the form of a defence (disputation) in either German or English. It is open to members of the university. Additionally, the candidate is welcome to invite guests.

The date of the disputation will be officially set by the Examination Office / the office of the dean of studies after the decision on the acceptance of the dissertation and the completion of the confidential inspection. The doctoral candidate is responsible for organising the date and the room. Should you need assistance in this regard, please contact the secretariat of your department. The disputation should take place no later than 12 weeks after submission of the thesis.

The defence lasts between 60 and 90 minutes and consists of two parts. First, the candidate gives a 30-minute (max.) presentation on the objectives and results of their thesis and answers questions. In the second part, the members of the examination board will ask questions about the larger scientific context of the candidate's work, and topics and methodological problems concerning the discipline as a whole as well as neighbouring subject areas.

If members of your examination board travel to Göttingen especially for the disputation, please clarify in advance with your first supervisor whether the costs will be covered.

In Göttingen it is common for doctoral students to go to the Gänseliesel or to be driven by their fellow students in decorated wagons after the dispuation. There they climb the well, bring flowers to the Gänseliesel and give her a kiss. This is normally organised by the working group.
At the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, doctoral students now also receive their (provisional) certificates in a festive atmosphere as part of the official awarding of Bachelor's and Master's certificates. The Examinations Office will inform you of the date by email. So please keep your email address up to date via eCampus.

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences:
Right after the grades of the thesis reviews and oral defence have been registered in FlexNow, you can request the reviews for inspection at the Examination Office.

Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology:
After you have passed your oral examination, you may view the examiners' reports on your thesis and have your "Revisionsschein" signed. You can find a template here. You can further request a certificate stating that you have passed the oral examination. The final PhD certificate will only be issued when you have published your thesis.

You have to publish your thesis unabridged within one year after you have successfully passed the oral examination. On application the graduate committee can extend the deadline for up to a year. Before you publish your thesis, you can revise it according to your supervisors' suggestions.

Depending on the PhD programme, five compulsory reference copies must be submitted to the Examination Office for Agricultural Sciences or 10 compulsory reference copies must be submitted to the Forestry Divisional Library for publication. Please create the title page of the thesis according to Annex 3 of the GFA doctoral degree regulations. Make sure that your reviewers and the date of the oral examination are noted on the back of the title page. An academic CV must also be attached to these copies. Please do not use ring binding!

PhD students of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology submit their correction slip to the deanery. PhD students of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences will receive a prefilled version form the examination office.

There are three different options for publishing your thesis:

  • as a VLB-listed bookshop edition, e.g., through the university press
  • as an electronic publication on the document server of the SUB Göttingen
    The eDiss procedure includes the submission of two printed copies of your thesis. These are already included in the printed copies that you submit to the Forestry Divisional Library and will be forwarded to the SUB.
  • as a cumulative dissertation:
    The cumulative thesis consists of your individual articles to which you have to add an introduction to the scientific problem on which your articles are based, a conclusion in which you discuss your results and which situates them in the scientific context (synopsis), and a bibliography. You have to submit bound copies.

Ideally you should discuss this topic with your first supervisor and the other members on your thesis committee.

If you are planning to apply for jobs abroad, you may need certified copies of your transcript of records and PhD certificate. These can be obtained from the university's administrative offices and the Lower Saxony state government (which has a branch office at the Göttingen police headquarters). Please take note of the additional information on this process. To check whether you need certified copies to apply in specific countries, please contact the respective embassies.

Administrative offices
Department of Law and Foundation
Police headquarters
von-Siebold-Str. 2
37075 Göttingen
Groner Landstrasse 51
37081 Göttingen
Dorothee Lohde
Phone: +49 551 / 39-21784
Ms Engelhardt
Phone: +49 551 / 4911715
Other sections of the Doctoral Degree Guideline: