Membership is by application to the Executive Board (please send an informal email to Dr. Simone Pfeiffer). The application should declare the interest in CBL membership and describe the form in which the applicant scientist wishes to contribute to the CBL. The membership is valid as long as the affiliation to the university or project work exists.
CBL membership entitles the holder to vote for the board and to suggest agenda topics. Members are informed about calls for proposals in their field of research and invited to CBL meetings. To promote the preparation and implementation of joint projects, there is the possibility of shared use of personnel resources, the meeting room (up to 15 seats) with kitchen and communication material (poster boards, moderation case, CBL banner).
Members work towards achieving the goals of the CBL in research, teaching and public relations. Membership is intended to encourage active participation in CBL events and workshops. In order to increase the visibility of the CBL, we ask that the CBL is mentioned, e.g. on the website and in CBL projects an affiliation in publications.
A - E
Ammer, Christian, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones
Bae, Soyeon, Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Bioclimatology
Meyer, Katrin, Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Ecosystem Modelling
Militz, Holger, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Wood Technology and Wood-based Composites
Mitlöhner, Ralph, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Tropical Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Mußhoff, Oliver, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Ottens, Leona Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Forest Economy and Sustainable Land-use Planning
Paul, Carola, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Forest Economy and Sustainable Land-use Planning
Plieninger, Tobias, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, social-ecological interactions in agricultural systems
Pohle, Christopher Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Forest Work Science and Engineering
Spiller, Achim, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products
U - Z
Veldkamp, Edzo, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems
Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Agricultural Politics