InDiGU-PLUS: FIT Events in WiSe 2024/25


The goal of the academic writing partnerships is for students from all countries and cultures to get to know and understand each other by working together on writing projects. This collaboration aims to promote cultural exchange (of knowledge) and integration. Teams will be formed to complete a writing project (e.g., seminar papers, reports, protocols, journalistic or creative texts). Students will learn about the requirements and expectations for different types of texts and discuss their experiences with writing in other languages (multilingualism).

Languages: English & German

Workshop Date: 29.10.2024

Workshop Time: 12:00 bis 14:00 Uhr

Course Number: 457997

During our studies we will meet many people from different cultural backgrounds in different situations. It can be a wonderful experience to broaden our horizons by meeting people from a different culture, but it can also be quite challenging to communicate and cooperate with people who are used to a different way of communicating and interacting. In the first part of the workshop, we will look closely at the intercultural scenarios in our lives and reflect carefully on our experiences, so that they become a resource and a guide for navigating through student life. In the second part of the workshop, we will learn and practise some communicative skills that will be useful for holding conversations and improving our social relationships with the people around us.

Languages: English & German

Workshop Dates: 31.10.2024 & 01.11.2024

Workshop Time: 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

Course Number: 450927


The goal of this seminar is to teach you how to create posts for social media. You will learn how to write engaging headlines, teasers, tweets, and posts. You'll discover the key attributes that make a publication go viral. Through practical exercises, group work, and case studies, by the end of the seminar, you'll be able to spark curiosity in your social media audience and motivate them to click and share.

The workshop will be held in English (about 70%) and German (about 30%).

Onlineveranstaltung / Online Workshop

Languages: English & German

Workshop Dates: 02.11.2024 & 03.11.2024

Workshop Time: 09:30 bis 13:00 Uhr

Course Number: 4507821

This workshop is aimed at international students, particularly first-year students, who want to familiarize themselves with the communication requirements at university. There are many new communication situations in academic life—such as listening in lectures, writing emails, or speaking with professors during office hours—that can often be challenging, especially if you're not yet familiar with academic language and university customs. The workshop offers practical exercises to help you navigate various communication situations with confidence, such as preparing for office hours, active listening in lectures, and written communication with faculty.

Languages: German (B2)

Workshop Dates (online): 07.11.2024, 21.11.24, 05.12.24 & 12.12.24

Workshop Time: 16:00 bis 19:30 Uhr

Course Number: 450907

Your imagination is a powerful tool. You can use it to shape aspects of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of others. It can also be used as a scientific research method. This interactive lecture will teach you more about how to use your imagination in an embodied way. We will look at your talents and how your imagination can help you manifest them. Because within us lies a wealth of untapped talent, waiting for expression. Some talents are familiar allies, while others remain dormant, awaiting discovery. Imagine harnessing these abilities at will, when you need them most.

Languages: English

Workshop Dates: 20.11.2024

Workshop Time: 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr

More about the workshop: Summon your talents!

Registration for the event

In this workshop, you will learn and apply various reading strategies to efficiently process academic literature. In the next step, you will learn how to appropriately prepare the literature you’ve read, in order to effectively incorporate it into your own academic writing.

Languages: English & German

Workshop Dates: 22.11.2024 und 31.01.2024

Course Number: 454776

Während Ihres Studiums in Göttingen machen Sie viele interkulturelle Erfahrungen – im Seminar, im Wohnheim oder online. In diesem Online-Training können Sie Ihre interkulturellen Kompetenzen für das Studium verbessern. Durch interaktive Übungen lernen Sie, Ihre eigenen kulturellen Prägungen und Erwartungen zu benennen. Sie erarbeiten mit Fallbeispielen, wie Sie in typischen Situationen im Studium effektiv und angemessen kommunizieren, zum Beispiel beim Kontakt mit anderen Studierenden, beim Schreiben von E-Mails an Lehrende und bei Gruppenarbeiten. Nach dem Training sind Sie besser auf die Herausforderungen des Studiums vorbereitet und können kulturelle Unterschiede in der persönlichen und digitalen Kommunikation erfolgreich meistern.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Dates (online): 22.11.2024, 29.11.2024 & 06.12.2024

Workshop Time: 09:00 bis 13:00 Uhr

Course Number: 450911

Would you like to start your career in Germany but are not sure about the legal aspects? This course covers the various forms and specifications of employment contracts. In addition, the composition of the salary and the importance of job references will be explained. You will also have the opportunity to clarify your most important questions about these legal aspects of the German labour market.

Onlineveranstaltung / Online Workshop

Languages: English

Workshop Date: 26.11.2024

Workshop Time: 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

More about the event: Rights and obligations in the job in Germany

Registration for the event

In the internship accompaniment seminar, students reflect on how they apply their communication skills in everyday professional life. International students specifically focus on the application of their learned skills in a professional field. In addition to personal reflection, case studies are analyzed to enhance problem-solving skills and foster critical thinking. A key focus is also on further developing collaboration and communication in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. International students have the opportunity to reflect on their linguistic learning needs based on their internship experiences and to develop strategies for improving their communication skills. In addition to regular sessions, individual support is also offered.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Dates: 28.11.2024, 11.12.2024, 28.01.2025 & 03.02.2025

Workshop Time: 16:00 bis 19:30 Uhr

Course Number: 450910

This course provides an introduction into intercultural competence and the definition of culture. Together we will use interactive methods to expand and reflect on our subjective perspectives and cultural experiences. This course aims to facilitate your transition into the German job market by learning how to work effectively in intercultural teams and broadening your horizons about cultural differences in the workplace.

Languages: English

Workshop Dates: 29.11.2024 & 06.12.2024

Workshop Time: 09:00 bis 14:30 Uhr

Course Number: 4512308

Effective marketing today blends emotion with information. Target audiences are engaged and connected to brands or products through strategic "storytelling"—in other words, through authentic and compelling narratives. Whether for a company website, a blog, or print magazines, professional copywriters are paid to create this impact. But what techniques make texts effective beyond simple emotional messaging? Through specific tasks and self-written texts, workshop participants will learn fundamental strategies that help persuade both clients and readers. The focus will include topics such as the reader's journey in content marketing, impactful headlines, and the relationship between intercultural competence and psychology.

Languages: German

Workshop Dates: 30.11.2024 & 01.12.2024

Workshop Time: 10:15 bis 16:45 Uhr

Course Number: 450906


In this workshop, international students will learn how to write applications for internships and jobs in a linguistically correct and structured manner. The focus is on clear and precise wording of skills and experiences. You will receive practical guidance on the linguistic aspects of the cover letter and CV, and learn how to avoid common mistakes. The goal of the workshop is to linguistically prepare international students to create professional application documents.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Dates: 03.12.2024, 17.12.2024, 13.01.2025 & 20.01.2025

Workshop Time: 16:00 bis 19:30 Uhr

Course Number: 450908

Dieser Workshop vermittelt interkulturelle Kompetenz im Arbeitsumfeld. Die Teilnehmer lernen den Kulturbegriff und das Eisbergmodell kennen, reflektieren Vorurteile und Stereotypen und entwickeln Kommunikations- und Handlungsstrategien. Praxisnahe Übungen wie Rollenspiele, Fallanalysen und die Arbeit mit Critical Incidents fördern den Umgang mit kulturellen Unterschieden und Konflikten in multikulturellen Teams. Themen wie Rassismus, Diskriminierung und die Rechte und Pflichten am Arbeitsplatz runden das Programm ab. Ziel ist es, Offenheit, Toleranz und Selbstreflexion zu stärken.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Dates: 07.12.2024, 14.12.2024 & 21.12.2024

Workshop Time: 11:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

Course Number: 450928

Interviewveranstaltung mit mehreren Alumni, die als internationale Studierende an der Universität Göttingen studierten und anschließend in Deutschland beruflich Fuß gefasst haben. Die Alumni berichten von ihrem Werdegang und zeigen auf, welche Faktoren für den erfolgreichen Übergang in die deutsche Arbeitswelt ausschlaggebend sind. Anschließend folgt eine Fragerunde und es gibt die Gelegenheit bei einem Getränk mit den Alumni in den direkten Austausch zu gehen. Des Weiteren stellen der Career Service und Alumni Göttingen ihre Angebote an Informationsständen vor.

Languages: German (B1) und English

Workshop Dates: 10.12.2024

More about the workshop: Alumni berichten

Registration for the event

An Assessment Centre is a selection process in which candidates are tested for their suitability through various assessments. This workshop is designed to specifically prepare international students for the linguistic demands of an Assessment Centre. The focus is on developing language skills that international students can effectively apply in challenging exam situations. Participants will learn useful phrases, appropriate expressions, and persuasive communication strategies to help present their strengths clearly and confidently. Intercultural aspects will also be considered, preparing international students for potential cultural differences and their linguistic implications. Whether in group discussions, role plays, or presentations, this workshop provides the linguistic tools to act confidently and convincingly.

Languages: German (B2)

Workshop Dates: 19.12.2024, 16.01.2025, 23.01.2025 & 30.01.2025

Workshop Time: 16:00 bis 19:30 Uhr

Course Number: 450909


Sie sind internationale*r Studierende*r und möchten im Rahmen eines qualifizierten Praktikums interessante Tätigkeitsfelder und Branchen in Deutschland kennenlernen?

In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie, welche Kriterien ein qualifiziertes Praktikum erfüllen sollte, wie Sie sich gut darauf vorbereiten können und welche Aspekte Sie beachten sollten, damit das Praktikum für Sie zu einer wertvollen beruflichen und persönlichen Erfahrung wird. Zudem lernen Sie verschiedene Methoden der strategischen Stellenrecherche und Möglichkeiten der Kontaktaufnahme zu potentiellen Arbeitgebenden kennen, so das Sie Ihre Praktikumssuche noch effektiver gestalten können.

Language: German (B1)

Workshop Date: 15.01.2025

More about the workshop: Praktikum in Deutschland

Registration for the event

During this course, you will find out what happens during an AC and what will be expected of you. You will also become familiar with typical tasks and tests and receive knowledgeable feedback on your behaviour. This will alleviate stress and significantly enhance your chances of success.

Language : English

Workshop Date: 22.01.2025

More about the workshop: Assessment Centre Training

Registration for the event


Unternehmen aus der Region stellen sich vor und berichten, wie das Personalauswahlverfahren bei ihnen abläuft und worauf sie dabei besonderen Wert legen. Anschließend besteht die Möglichkeit, in den direkten Austausch zu gehen und sich über Berufseinstiegschancen zu informieren. Des Weiteren informieren die Beteiligten des Projekts InDiGU-PLUS über weitere Angebote und Veranstaltungen.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Date: 05.02.2025

More about the workshop: Meet & Greet mit regionalen Unternehmen

Registration for the event

How do I actually write a job application? What belongs in the CV? How do I formulate my cover letter? What should a good motivation letter include? If you're asking yourself these questions, then this workshop is just right for you! We will discuss various ways to make your application documents appealing. You will also have the opportunity to work on your own applications, as well as give and receive feedback from others. Please bring a specific job or internship offer, or a specific position you would like to apply for.

Languages: German (B1)

Workshop Dates: 07.02.2025, 08.02.2025 & 09.02.2025

Workshop Time: 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr; 11:00 bis 15:00 Uhr; 11:00 bis 13:00 Uhr

Course Number: 454779