Office of Representative for Equal Opportunities
The goal of gender equality is to ensure equal opportunities and to improve the compatibility of family and work or study.
The equal opportunity team of the faculty of physics consists of institute equal opportunity officers and a spokeswoman who work together to improve the current situation.
The main tasks of the gender equality office are:
- Advising on personnel decisions, especially in appellate and staffing processes to ensure equal opportunities and a quality assurance
- Information and advice on the compatibility of family and work or study
- Support and implementation of measures and projects to promote gender equality plans
- Cooperation with other equal opportunity officers and related initiatives
You can call us, send an email or simply speak to us if
- you would like information on assistance measures for women
- you experience sexualized harrassment / violence
- you want to get to know us or our work or have further questions or suggestions
International Women's Day - Friday March 8th

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, we would like to draw your attention to the action days of the Göttingen Women's Forum:
action days
Dorothea Schlözer Postdoc-Programme at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
The presidential board of the Georg-August-University Göttingen offers support for young academics in the form of 3 positions (TV-L 13, 100%, term of 2 years), one of which is offered at the University Medical Center (UMG), for female postdocs.

Those eligible to apply are female postdocs in the first post-doctoral phase, who conduct a research project at the Georg-August-University (including the UMG) or plan to do so in one of the following faculties:
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Economic Sciences
- University Medical Center (UMG)
Final date for applications is April 1st 2024. The positions are scheduled to start on October 1st 2024.
Further information can be found on the Dorothea Schlözer-Programme website:
Doroteh Schlözer Call.pdf