
From Gesture to Grammar and Lexicon: Tracking Conventionalization and Grammaticalisation of Multifunctional Expressions in German Sign Language and Israeli Sign Language (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur: "Zukunft.niedersachsen") (Start September 2025)

Statistik ohne Grenzen/Statistics without Barriers (SoG), Freiraum 2025 (Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre) (start April 2025)

TypMod: Typology Across Modalities, International Research Network, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (since 2024)

Further Development of the E-learning Module for the Courses DGS II and DGS III (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur) (2023-2024)

Parts of Speech and Iconicity in German Sign Language (DGS), Schwerpunktprogramm ViCom 2329 (DFG) (since 2022)

Processes of Stabilization in Gestures. A Media-specific and Cross-modal approach, Schwerpunktprogramm ViCom 2329 (DFG) (since 2022)

Lying, Deceiving, Misleading: Are we Committed to our Gestures, Schwerpunktprogramm ViCom 2329 (DFG) (since 2022)

Priority Program: ViCom - Visual Communication. Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Perspectives (DFG) (since 2022)

Research Training Group 2636: Form-meaning Mismatches (DFG) (since 2021)

Accessible training videos for statistics "Daten Lesen Lernen (DaLeLe4ALL)" - Learning to Read Data (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur) (2021)

IDEAlISM: Interactions between Dynamic Effects and Alternative-based Inferences in the Study of Meaning (DFG-AHRC) (since 2021)

Development and Implementation of an E-learning Module for the German Sign Language (DGS) Courses (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur) (2019-2020)

(A)symmetries and Movement in Spoken and Sign Languages (DFG) (since 2019)

Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program (LHIDP) (Volkswagen Foundation and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgien) (since 2018) (seit 2018)

(In)visible Life Stories - Documentation of the Life, Culture and Language of Elderly Deaf People (PRO*Niedersachsen, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur) (2017-2020)

The Sign Hub: Preserving, Researching and Fostering the Linguistic, Historical and Cultural Heritage of European Deaf Signing Communities with an Integral Resource (Horizon 2020) (2016-2020)

Research Training Group 2070: Understanding Social Relationships (DFG) (since 2015)

Discourse Referents in Space - Anaphora Resolution in German Sign Language (DFG) (2014-2017)

Non-manual Signals and the Grammar of two (Related) Sign Languages (GIF) (2013-2015)

Priming across Modalities: The Influence of Orthography on Sign and Spoken Language Processing (DFG) (2013-2014)

CLARIN-D (discipline-specific work group 6) (2011-2014)

Unraveling the Grammars of European Sign Languages (COST-Action) (2011-2015)

Bilateral Cooperation: University of Haifa - University of Göttingen (DFG) (2011-2012)

DGS classes: University of Göttingen (since 2010)

Research Center "Text Structures" (since 2010)

Processing of Spatial Information in Sign Languages (Research Funding University of Mainz) (2009-2011)

Sign Language - An International Handbook (2008-2012)

Die SprachChecker (2007-2008)