Corporate Development

Current information:

Dear CD students,

Prof. Dr. Indre Maurer will take a research semester in the summer semester 2024. The lecture will be available as a mediacast on StudIP. The tutorials for the lecture will take place in person. At the beginning of the semester we will inform you in detail about the teaching concept of the course. Documents will be available on StudIP.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Best regards
Indre Maurer and Marilena Diel

The course introduces models and strategies of corporate development. It focuses on tracks and drivers of corporate development processes, strategies to grow company size (e.g. via M&A or strategic alliances) as well as ways to reduce company size (e.g. via downsizing). It starts with a kick-off session, in which we introduce the content of this course as well as the teaching concept. The exam is currently scheduled in attendance.

Here you can find the lecture in eCampus
Here you can find the tutorial in eCampus

Background information:

Due to permanently changing environmental conditions firms need to be flexible and act pro-actively in order to build and secure their competitive advantage. Corporate development describes the continuous advancement and changes of firms. This lecture introduces models and strategies of corporate development. In particular, topics encompass...

  • developmental patterns and drivers of corporate development;
  • strategies of corporate development (cooperation, M&A, outsourcing, downsizing);
  • innovation strategies and management.

In this lecture, students...

  • become familiar with different perspectives and drivers of corporate development;
  • learn to identify and define options of action and strategies for the development of companies and the conditions necessary to obtain success;
  • study tools and measures important for the control of innovative activities in companies.

The tutorial complements the lecture. In this tutorial, students...

  • apply the tools and concepts that have been acquired during the lecture in order to analyze as well as to tackle case studies;
  • are able to deal with the ambiguity of real situations and make reasonable decisions.

Additionally we'll offer consultation hours where students can clarify any open questions regarding tutorial or examination.

Lecture and tutorial are designed for master students who wish to understand the driving forces of corporate development and to learn theories and models that can be used in day-to-day business. They will equip students with some of the most relevant management tools preparing them for jobs requiring strategic decision-making.

The exam at the end of the Summer Semester as well as in the Winter Semester will be offered in English.