Running project

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2024 Researcher
Department of Conservation Biology, University of Göttingen

2020–2024 PhD student
Department of Conservation Biology, University of Göttingen

Thesis: Population Trends of Common Breeding Birds in Germany: Patterns, Drivers, and Conservation Implications

Since 2019 Researcher
Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA), Münster

2011–2018 Master and Bachelor of Science in Landscape Ecology
Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster


Pflüger F.J., Frank C., Busch M., Wahl J., Dröschmeister R., Sudfeldt C., Kamp J. 2024. Semi-structured citizen science data reveal mixed effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPA) in Germany. Biological Conservation 299: 110801.

Frank C., Hertzog L., Klimek S., Schwieder M., Tetteh G. O., Böhner H. G. S., Röder N., Levers C., Katzenberger J., Kreft H., Kamp J. 2024. Woody semi-natural habitats modulate the effects of field size and functional crop diversity on farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 987–999.

Hertzog L., Klimek S., Röder N., Frank C., Böhner H., Kamp J. 2023. Associations between farmland birds and fallow area at large scales: consistently positive over three periods of the EU Common Agricultural Policy but moderated by landscape complexity. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1077-1088.

Hertzog L.R., Röder N., Frank C., Böhner H.S., Kamp J. 2022. Village modernization and farmland birds: A reply to Rosin et al. (2021). Conservation Letters 15: e12874.

Hertzog L.R., Frank C., Klimek S., Röder N., Böhner H.G.S., Kamp J. 2021. Model‐based integration of citizen science data from disparate sources increases the precision of bird population trends. Diversity and Distributions 27:1106-1119.

Kamp J.*, Frank C.*, Trautmann S., Busch M., Dröschmeister R., Flade, M., Gerlach B., Karthäuser J., Kunz, F., Mitschke, A., Schwarz, J., Sudfeldt C. 2021. Population trends of common breeding birds in Germany 1990–2018. Journal of Ornithology 162: 1–15. (*joint first authors)