4th Young Researcher Meeting Morphology 2023
February 23rd-25th 2023 - MEETING IN GÖTTINGEN
![young researcher meeting](/storage/pictures/6529c2b2fb5fb0c072e7f3453ddc6a5a.jpg)
General information
The ‘4th Young Researcher Meeting Morphology’ will take place from Thursday 23rd until Saturday 25th of February 2023.
On-site registration will be possible from 1:30 pm at the 23rd!!
Invited speakers for the upcoming meeting are:
Luke Parry (University of Oxford)
Micheal Bok (Lund University)
Sven Bradler (Georg-August University Göttingen)
The YRMM2023 will be held in presence - all further information for the meeting will be available after registration!
The YRMM is the graduate forum of the ‘Fachgruppe Morphologie’ of the German Zoological Society, and brings together young researchers (MSc and PhD students, early PostDocs). In the tradition of the YRMM, we want to use this platform to present current projects, facilitate scientific discussions and connect people. Thus, we again aim to cover a huge variety of investigated taxa, methods and approaches to allow a comprehensive overview in terms of current research fields in morphology-related science.
Hope to see you all in February 2023.
Rabea Klingberg, Paul Kalke, Marco Niekampf & Conrad Helm