Marco Niekampf

Research interests
Evolution, morphology, phylogenetics, systematics, biodiversity
Focus on stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea)
Short CV
Since 2020: PhD position at the University of Göttingen - PhD project: "The prothoracic repellent glands of stick and leaf insects: Reconstructing the morphological and chemical evolution of an elaborate arthropod defensive system"
2017-2020: Research associate responsible for teaching, Department "Animal Evolution and Biodiversity", University of Göttingen.
2017: Master of Science in Biodiverstiy, Ecology and Evolution at the University of Göttingen.
Major Studies: Animal Systematics, Morphology, Evolution and Behaviour.
Master’s Thesis: Defense strategies and predatory behavior in Platymeris species (Heteroptera, Reduviidae): A comparative morphological and behavioral approach.
2015: Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of Göttingen.
Bachelor’s Thesis: The ultrastructure of the Pendergrast Organs of Cyphostethus tristriatus (Fabricius 1787) (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae).
B.Bio.104: Grundpraktikum Zoologie
B.MM.109: Grundpraktikum Zoologie für Molekularmediziner
M.Biodiv.478: Feldstudien zur Systematik, Diversität und Ökologie mariner Invertebraten