Internationalisierung im Soziologie-Studium
Internationale Kooperationen sind feste Bestandteile von Forschung und Lehre in der Soziologie. Gemeinsam mit Partneruniversitäten fördern wir aber nicht nur den personellen Austausch und die Studierendenmobilität, sondern auch die "internationalisation at home" mit Formaten wie englischen Seminarangeboten und joint classrooms.Joint Classroom "Global Challenges, Local Answers"
International Collaboration among Göttingen, Amsterdam and Santiago de ChileIn the summer tern 2024, Dr. Ina Alber-Armenat (Sociology, University of Göttingen - UniGoe) launched the first round of an international joint classroom with colleagues from Chile and the Netherlands. Developed by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the joint classroom focused on intercultural and international collaboration, using the example of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice
In this 7-week intensive course, students from UniGoe worked together with students from partner universities (University of Amsterdam and Universidad del Desarrollo) and other disciplines. With their virtual team, the students addressed global challenges, taking into account both local and international contexts. They discussed how to combine their interdisciplinary and cultural backgrounds to contribute to solving complex global problems, such as climate change, economic inequality, digitalization, and gender inequality. During the course, they were educated in intercultural competence and social entrepreneurship. While they worked virtually with their international teams, parts of the course were held on campus at UniGoe as well.
Results and Perspectives
The team work was a global challenge in itself, but the students surely found local answers and could profit from this international experience.
The teams presented their research on their chosen SDG and possible solutions online, showing that they gained insight into intercultural and interdisciplinary academic work.
Here are some examples from the work:
SDG 4 - Quality Education and the example of rural China:
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SDG 5 - Gender Equality
Find the PowerPointPresentation here
Another joint classroom (UvA+UniGoe) starts on 8 April 2025. Would you like to join? Find more information here