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Offene Themen (englische Titel und Beschreibungen):
- Exploring commercial dairy farmers’ business evolution using text mining techniques
The aim of this study is to understand the evolution of commercial dairy farming in Punjab, India, using open description-based answers from approximately 150 commercial dairy farmers’ interviews conducted in 2024, which will be analyzed with Latent Dirichlet allocation. Furthermore, the thesis will involve determining associations using statistical approaches between important evolutionary attributes and farm revenue, dairy animal productivity, and socio-demographic characteristics. The student should have a good grasp of R/Stata. - Understanding the impact of switching buyers on milk productivity in commercial dairy farms
The aim is to determine how switching milk buyers at different points in time impacts the milk productivity of large commercial dairy farms in Punjab, India. This project involves extensive data preparation tasks to form a panel (4-time points over a period of 15 years) from recall data of approximately 150 commercial dairy farms in Punjab, India. Difference-in-Differences approach with multiple time periods will be used for the analysis, considering ‘switching of milk buyers’ as the treatment. Farms that have not switched buyers would be the control group. The student should have a good grasp of R/Stata. - Exploring market channel decisions and milk prices: Evidence from commercial dairy farms in Punjab, India
The first aim is to understand the evolution of dominance of different milk buyers over time and common buyer switching periods using a topic modeling technique (Latent Dirichlet allocation), evaluating text-based answers from approximately 150 commercial dairy farms in Punjab, India. Next, a sequential logit model using switching and the reasons for switching as sequential decisions will be used to explore the influence of such decisions on milk prices. The student should have a good grasp of R/Stata. - Understanding trends in edible oil consumption and its determinants.
Using secondary data on edible oil consumption for the whole of India, this study aims to understand the drivers of edible oil consumption in India. - Assessing regional edible oil consumption and health outcomes.
Using panel data from a large consumption survey, this study aims to understand the association between edible oil consumption and health outcomes in India. - Livestock ownership and nutrition: insights from dairy farms in Punjab, India.
This study aims to investigate the role of dairy cattle ownership on the consumption of dairy production. For perishable products like dairy, well-functioning markets may be missing and may result in a close link between the production and consumption of dairy. Using detailed data on farm households in Punjab, India, the consumption of dairy and its link to production decision is to be investigated. The analysis requires a good statistical skills (preferably STATA) and causal identification methods. - Migrant labour in Italian agriculture.
Several European farming sectors are highly dependent on migrant labour. Based on a unique sample of detailed farm-level labour data in Italy, this project aims to investigate the profile of migrant workers, and to investigate employment conditions across migrant and non-migrant workers. The analysis requires a good knowledge of STATA or R. - Farmworkers and the gender wage gap in Italian agriculture.
While the gender wage gap has been widely studied in the field of labor economics, most of those studies leave out the agricultural sector, for various reasons. Recent studies among hired workers in the US, however, show that farming is among the most gender-unequal occupations in the US. Based on unique labor data from Italian farms, this study aims to investigate the gender pay gap in Italian farming. The analysis requires a good knowledge of STATA or R. - Mapping Responses to Weather Shocks in Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa faces increasing incidents of weather shocks such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, driven by climate change. Governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the continent are implementing various resilience and adaptation programs to mitigate impacts of these shocks. This study seeks to synthesize evidence on (a) actions taken by African governments and NGOs to address weather shocks; (b) the resilience and adaptation programs that have been implemented; (c) how the programs have been financed; (d) and the role of international and local funding mechanisms in responding to the shocks. The successful student will develop skills in synthesizing complex data from academic, policy, and NGO sources - a key competency for careers in economic research or international development. Interested students must have excellent English reading and writing skills. - Assessing the Perception, Knowledge, And Awareness of Food Safety Among Maize Traders in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
- Decision-making power and involvement: Exploring women's empowerment in the Punjabi dairy sector.
- Farm production diversity and dietary diversity among commercial and subsistence farmers in Nagaland, India.
- The relation between time use and income level across different occupations in Nagaland, India.
- Farmer’s Traditional Seed Storage Practices in Tanzania.
- Determinants of Out-Migration in Punjab, India.
- Examining the effects of Date labels and Markings on Milk Choice Among Young Consumers in Germany: Implications for Food Waste.
- Heterogeneity in Effects of Mixed Maize-Livestock Farming Patterns on Household Food Security and Child Nutrition.
- Weather shocks, diets and nutrition in Malawi.
- Effect of Labelling on Choices of Freshly Prepared Beverage: Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Taiwan.
- Joint Expenditures on Animal Source Foods in Rural African Households.
- Consequences of the National Fertilizer Subsidy Program in Mali for Crop Diversity and Food Security
- Gauging the Gap: Cost and Affordability of Healthy Diets in Central Malawi
- The Effects of Irrigation Schemes on Household Food Security and Child Nutrition In Malawi
- Determinants of Certified Seed Use in Ethiopia: The Role of Agricultural Commercialization
- Using Crowdsourced Price Data to Monitor Food Security Threats in Nigeria
- The Effects of Nutrition Labeling Policy on Bubble Tea and its Policy Acceptability: Evidence of a Choice Experiment from Taiwan
- Import Restrictions and Price Transmission for Local and Imported Rice in Rural Kano State, Nigeria: An Analysis Using Crowdsourced Price Data
- Understanding Farmers' Participation in the Irrigation Subsidy Program in Chile, Using Theory of Planned Behavior.
- Nutritional Labelling in Taiwan: a Choice Experiment on Bubble Tea.
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