Books / Edited Volumes

  1. Witzel de Souza, B. G. and Mügge, M. (editors) (2024, forthcoming). The bicentenial of German-speaking immigration to Brazil: New perspectives from Economic History (provisional title) – Approved for Vol. 27 (3) of História Econômica & História de Empresas (journal of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Economic History, ABPHE).
  2. Witzel de Souza, B. G., and Gardenal, L. A. S. (2021). Ibicaba (1817-2017). Entendendo, vivendo e construindo futuros. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 471 pages. ISBN: 978-65-5637-248-8

Articles In Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. "The same contract that is suitable for your Excellency: immigration and emulation in the adoption of sharecropping-cum-debt arrangements in Brazil (1835-1880)" (2024).
    The Economic History Review, Vol. 77 (2)
  2. "Like the swing of the pendulum: the history of government-sponsored rural settlements (1820-1920)" (2023)
    Economic History of Developing Regions, Vol. 38 (3)
  3. "Precedents of mass migration: policies, occupations, and the sorting of foreigners in São Paulo, Brazil (1872)" (2022)
    Economic History of Developing Regions, Vol. 37 (1)
  4. "A enormidade de um 'livrinho': reflexões sobre a primeira edição (1858) de 'Os colonos na província [de] St. Paulo, no Brasil' de Thomas Davatz" (2022)
    Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, Vol. 30
  5. "Immigration and the path dependence of education: the case of German-speakers in São Paulo, Brazil" (2018)
    The Economic History Review, Vol. 71 (2)
  6. Witzel de Souza, B. G., Silva Ferreira, L. M., and Balasubramanian, P. (forthcoming, 2024). "The economics of mass migration". In Engel, A., and Brugger, E. (eds.) Kolonialismus und Ökonomie. De Gruyter: Handbücher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte.
  7. Witzel de Souza, B. G., and Faleiros, R. N. (2023). "A contract with many facets: sharecropping and credit interlinkages in Brazilian plantations (1840-1940)" In Nederveen Meerkerk, E., and Bauer, R. (ed.) Global Agricultural Workers from the 17th to the 21st Century.
    Brill: Studies in Global Social History
  8. Witzel de Souza, B. G. (2019). “Organizations matter: German schools and educational performance amid Brazilian plantations (1840-1940)”. In Mitch, D., and Cappelli, G. (eds.) Globalization and the Rising of Mass Schooling.
    Palgrave Macmillan: Palgrave Studies in Economic History