Winter Term 2022-23
Winter Term 2022-23
Unless announced otherwise, the LinG/RTG2636 Colloquium will take place on:Wednesdays 4-6 pm (ct) for speakers from the US
Thursdays 10-12 am (ct) for speakers from Europe
!!! This semester the colloquium will be a hybrid event: some talks will take place online and some onsite in 2.112 Nikolausberger Weg 23 with an opportunity to join via Zoom. Detailed information as to how to join the meetings will be shared via the LinG mailing list.
Talks will be announced regularly via the LinG mailing list and on this website (see below).
This is a preliminary schedule that will be extended, and possibly altered, in the weeks to come.
October 26 (Wednesday 4-6 pm ct): Alessandro Lenci
Format: online
Speaker: Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa)
Talk: Inferring Meaning from Form. The Boundaries of Distributional Semantics
Speaker: Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa)
Talk: Inferring Meaning from Form. The Boundaries of Distributional Semantics
Format: onsite
Speaker: Catherine Laing (University of York)
Talk: Exploring systematicity in the developing lexicon with phonological networks
Speaker: Catherine Laing (University of York)
Talk: Exploring systematicity in the developing lexicon with phonological networks
Format: onsite
Speaker: Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University)
Talk: Middle English Dialects
Joint with German Department Colloquium and LinG Conversations
Speaker: Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University)
Talk: Middle English Dialects
Joint with German Department Colloquium and LinG Conversations
Format: onsite
Speaker: Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University)
Talk: Third Factors and the TP/CP bottleneck
This talk is part of Elly van Gelderen's workshop at LinG Conversations
Speaker: Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University)
Talk: Third Factors and the TP/CP bottleneck
This talk is part of Elly van Gelderen's workshop at LinG Conversations
Format: onsite
Speaker: Mark de Vries (University of Groningen)
Talk: Hierarchical and linear contrasts in prosody and syntax
Speaker: Mark de Vries (University of Groningen)
Talk: Hierarchical and linear contrasts in prosody and syntax
A joint colloquium with [SlavLing]GÖ.
!!! Note the time of this talk - two hours later than usual!
Format: online
Speaker: Ivana LaTerza (Stony Brook U)
Talk: The DP Category and Serbian Nominal Structure
!!! Note the time of this talk - two hours later than usual!
Format: online
Speaker: Ivana LaTerza (Stony Brook U)
Talk: The DP Category and Serbian Nominal Structure
Format: online
Speaker: Judith Tonhauser (University of Stuttgart)
Talk: Projection inferences: Integrating linguistic and extra-linguistic cues
Speaker: Judith Tonhauser (University of Stuttgart)
Talk: Projection inferences: Integrating linguistic and extra-linguistic cues
*no meeting*
NELS 53 in Göttingen
Format: online
Speaker: Friederike Moltmann (CNRS)
Talk: On the Syntax and Semantics of Special Quantifiers
Speaker: Friederike Moltmann (CNRS)
Talk: On the Syntax and Semantics of Special Quantifiers
*no meeting*
Term Coordinator: Hedde Zeijlstra (Email), Yana Strakatova (Email)
General Coordinator: Hedde Zeijlstra (Email)