Landesstipendium Niedersachsen

“Lower Saxony scholarship” for students at Göttingen

Current information
The next round of awards for the Lower Saxony state scholarship will take place in the winter semester 2024/2025.
All relevant information will be published on this website.

The application period started on 1st September 2024 and ended on 30th September 2024. Please read the scholarship guidelines and the FAQ!.

The Lower Saxony scholarships (Niedersachsenstipendium) are awarded on the grounds of special achievements or outstanding ability as a one-off grant of 500 euros.
The funds are designed for exceptionally gifted students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds (neither parent has a degree higher than a certificate of secondary school education [Hauptschulabschluss]), for first-generation students (students who are the first to pursue academic studies in their family. Neither parent has completed a course of study at a university or university of applied sciences. Siblings may be studying or have completed their studies.) as well as students who had to overcome migration caused difficulties.
In addition, special personal circumstances and outstanding voluntary work can also be considered.

Who can apply and selection criteria
Anyone is eligible to apply,

• who is already enrolled at Göttingen University,
• who is an enrolled student and not on leave of absence at the beginning of the funding period (Directive, Article 4),
• who is in possession of the university entrance qualifications required for studying and will start a course of studies at Göttingen University in the near future. Enrolment and setting up of the student account is an absolute prerequisite.
students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds (neither parent has a degree higher than a certificate of secondary school education [Hauptschulabschluss]),
• first-generation students (students who are the first to pursue academic studies in their family)
• students who had to overcome migration caused difficulties

Not only outstanding achievements at school or university or success already achieved in employment count; the applicant's previous personal achievements are just as decisive:
- Have you already won a prize or an award for special achievements?
- Have you distinguished yourself by outstanding commitment in a social, municipal or political organization?

Applicants are expected to show social involvement, motivation and readiness to accept responsibility.

Consideration will be given to applicants who have had to overcome special barriers in their biographies due to familial or cultural origins for example:

students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds (neither parent has a degree higher than a certificate of secondary school education [Hauptschulabschluss]),
• first-generation students (students who are the first to pursue academic studies in their family)
• students who had to overcome migration caused difficulties

• single parent or earning living entirely by theirself

If you meet one of the eligibility criteria, we look forward to receiving your application for the next round in the winter semester 2024/2025.

BAföG recipients can also be supported by the Niedersachsenstipendium, since BAföG and the Niedersachsenstipendium can generally be claimed simultaneously without deductions.

Doctoral/phd students are not eligible.

funding period
This is a one-time grant.

The next application period will be started at the beginning of the winter semester 2024/25 and the application will be probably possible from the 1st September by the 30th September 2024.

The application for a scholarship is initially made via a university online application portal, which can only be accessed via the university's student portal eCampus during theprobably application period between 01.09.2024 and 30.09.2024.
In eCampus, access to the online application portal is made under the main menu (three dashes one below the other in the upper left corner after logging in) with the entry Links --> "Application for a Germany/Lower Saxony Scholarship".

upload portal
After successful online application, the submission of the application documents including signed expected must be done online via an upload portal until the 30.09.2024.
The documents will be sent directly to the relevant faculty.

In order to simplify and speed up the processing in the faculties, please do not submit your applications until the deadline.

The application can be processed online until the application deadline.
After online processing, the proof(s) of change must also be uploaded via the upload portal until the estimated application deadline of Sept. 30, 2024 23.59h.

Further information on the required evidence can be found in the Deutschland- and Niedersachsenstipendium guidelines and FAQ.

Hints for the application
The application is only complete if the faculty has received both the online application and the complete uploaded application documents consisting of a signed cover sheet and the required supporting documents until the estimated application deadline of September 30, 2024 23:59h. Only complete applications received by the deadline will be considered and processed.
It is possible that not all functions of eCampus are available on your smartphone, in which case this also applies to the application portal integrated in eCampus.

There is no need for letters of motivation or recommendation, nor are these considered positively if submitted.

Selection and allocation procedure
The scholarship recipients are selected on the grounds of talent, performance and other criteria, such as special personal achievements (first generation student, educationally disadvantaged background, migration caused difficulties) and social commitment, and in accordance with the guidelines for granting Germany Scholarships.

Each faculty constitutes a selection committee consisting of the Dean of Studies and one member each from the professors group [Hochschullehrergruppe], the academic staff group [Mitarbeitergruppe], the MTV group [technical services and administrative departments] and the students' group [Studierendengruppe].

If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the number of scholarships available, a ranking list have to be established.

More details about the selection and the allocation procedure can be found in the guidelines of the University Göttingen for granting the Germany scholarship.

notification of funding (Bewilligungsbescheid) and letter of acceptance (Annahmeerklärung)
After the selection of the scholarship holders by the selection committee of the respective faculty, the e-mail with the link to download the notification of approval will be sent from the central office exclusively to the student e-mail address.

The notification of approval contains information on the deadline for acceptance of the scholarship, the funding period and the declaration of acceptance. The acceptance of the Deutschlandstipendium takes place via an online form, which will be accessible via a link in the notification of award until the end of the acceptance period of the scholarship. After submitting the declaration of acceptance, a confirmation email will be sent to the student email address.

If you have any questions or problems regarding notifications or payment, please contact Ms. Schild as the contact person for the administration of the Deutschlandstipendien at the University of Göttingen

Payment of the Lower Saxon Scholarship
The payment of the instalments of a one-off grant of 500,00€ is planed until the end of the year.

Alternate scholarship recipients
If necessary, the faculties will conduct a move-up procedure so that scholarships that have become available can be filled until the end of the respective award round.

Subsequent applicants who are to receive a Deutschlandstipendium will be contacted centrally by e-mail to the student e-mail address.