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Ecologists confirm Alan Turing’s theory for Australian fairy circles - Pressemitteilung, 22.09.2020
Fairy circles are one of nature’s greatest enigmas and most visually stunning phenomena. An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has now, for the first time, collecte…

Grocery shopping and nutrition after the lockdown: less eating-out and more price awareness - Pressemitteilung, 17.09.2020
Researchers at the University of Göttingen have been conducting a nationwide consumer survey since mid-April to find out how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting shopping, eating and cooking …

Reforestation can only partially restore tropical soils - Pressemitteilung, 15.09.2020
Tropical forest soils play a crucial role in providing vital ecosystem functions. They provide nutrients for plants, store carbon and regulate greenhouse gases, as well as storing and filterin…

Schöninger spears – mankind’s earliest wooden weapons - Pressemitteilung, 15.09.2020
The Lower Saxony State Service for Cultural Heritage (NLD) and the University of Göttingen carry out research into the oldest wooden weapons that have ever been found. The project has been awa…

Bumblebees benefit from faba bean cultivation - Pressemitteilung, 10.09.2020
About one third of the payments received by farmers are linked to specific “greening measures” to promote biodiversity. The cultivation of nitrogen-fixing legumes is very popular. However, the…

Paul de Lagarde (1827-1891) – scholar and anti-Semite - Pressemitteilung, 09.09.2020
Who was Paul de Lagarde? A research team from the Department of Egyptology and Coptic Studies at the University of Göttingen, in collaboration with the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European Je…

Consequences of the 2018 summer drought - Pressemitteilung, 08.09.2020
The drought that hit central and northern Europe in summer 2018 had serious effects on crops, forests and grasslands. Researchers from the European Research Infrastructure Integrated Carbon Ob…

Ecology Award for Agroecologist - Pressemitteilung, 07.09.2020
The agroecologist, Professor Teja Tscharntke from the University of Göttingen, has been awarded the Marsh Award for Ecology by the British Ecological Society. The prize is awarded for an outst…

Five years later: the Balkan route of 2015 was an exception - Pressemitteilung, 04.09.2020
The research report “Border Experiences and Practices of Refugees” by the EU project “Multi-level Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and beyond (RESPOND)” provides a unique documentation o…

Land use change leads to increased flooding in Indonesia - Pressemitteilung, 27.08.2020
While high greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss are often associated with rapid land-use change in Indonesia, impacts on local water cycles have been largely overlooked. Researchers …

Are antivitamins the new antibiotics? - Pressemitteilung, 24.08.2020
Antibiotics are among the most important discoveries of modern medicine and have saved millions of lives since the discovery of penicillin almost 100 years ago. Many diseases caused by bacteri…

New insights into lung tissue in Covid-19 disease - Pressemitteilung, 21.08.2020
Physicists at the University of Göttingen, together with pathologists and lung specialists at the Medical University of Hannover, have developed a three-dimensional imaging technique that enab…

Göttingen professors share their expert opinions on more sustainable nutrition - Pressemitteilung, 21.08.2020
Germany’s Scientific Advisory Board for Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE), an interdisciplinary body that advises the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on …

How will the population accept COVID-19 tracing apps? - Pressemitteilung, 28.07.2020
Coronavirus tracing applications for the detection of infection chains are currently being developed and made available across the world. Such contact-tracing apps are a central component of n…

Changes in farming urgent to rescue biodiversity - Pressemitteilung, 20.07.2020
Humans depend on farming for their very survival but this activity takes up more than one third of the world’s landmass and endangers 62% of all threatened species globally. However, agricultu…