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Mice transmit acquired adaptability to their offspring - Pressemitteilung, 23.01.2019
If mice grow up in a stimulating environment, for example in large cages with running wheels and labyrinths with several other mice, their brain remains adaptable for longer, ie more plastic. …

How much rainforest do birds need? - Pressemitteilung, 17.01.2019
Researchers of the Department of Conservation Biology at the University of Göttingen have carried out research in Southwest Cameroon to assess which proportion of forest would be necessary in …

How words get an emotional meaning - Pressemitteilung, 09.01.2019
Many objects and people in everyday life have an emotional meaning. A pair of wool socks, for example, has an emotional value if it was the last thing the grandmother knitted before her death.…

Award for Göttingen Agricultural Scientist - Pressemitteilung, 07.01.2019
The agricultural scientist Professor Matin Qaim from the University of Göttingen was recently elected Fellow of the American Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA). The fellowship…

The new green alternative for drug production - Pressemitteilung, 21.12.2018
For the production of drugs, pesticides and smartphone displays, most of the processes are cost-intensive and generate a large amount of waste. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have n…

Tree of walking sticks - Pressemitteilung, 19.12.2018
Stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea) are among the most fascinating insects on earth: they are extremely large and, thanks to their remarkable ability to camouflage themselves perfectly as twi…

Call for a return to an objective debate - Pressemitteilung, 12.12.2018
Researchers at the Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) at Göttingen Campus criticise that right-wing populist voices and conspiracy theories now far outweigh any differentiated and obj…

A tomato for everyone: “Sunviva” for the good of all - Pressemitteilung, 07.12.2018
Plant breeders at the University of Göttingen and Agrecol have launched a joint initiative to protect seeds as common property. Agrecol developed an "Open Source Seed Licence", which legally p…

What the helium tail of the exoplanet reveals - Pressemitteilung, 06.12.2018
An international team of researchers with participation from the Institute of Astrophysics at the Universi-ty of Göttingen has discovered that the gas exoplanet (ie a planet outside our solar …

Clues from the skin tissues of a Jurassic ichthyosaur - Pressemitteilung, 05.12.2018
An international team of researchers with participation from the University of Göttingen has investigated the skin and pigmentation of a fossil ichthyosaur. The results were published in the j…

The sustainable development of the EU through law - Pressemitteilung, 28.11.2018
Peter-Tobias Stoll, Professor for Public and Public International Law at the University of Göttingen, has successfully acquired a "Jean Monnet Chair" as part of the Erasmus+ programme. The thr…

From the Arctic to the tropics: researchers present a unique database on Earth’s vegetation - Pressemitteilung, 22.11.2018
Which plant species grow where, alongside which others - and why? The diversity of global vegetation can be described based on only a few traits from each species. This has been revealed by an…

Versatile forests wanted - Pressemitteilung, 22.11.2018
Most European forests are primarily used for timber production. However, woodlands also provide recreational space and store carbon dioxide. A new study involving the University of Göttingen s…

Senate elects new full-time Vice President - Pressemitteilung, 22.11.2018
Dr. Valérie Schüller becomes the new full-time Vice President for Finance and Human Resources at the University of Göttingen. The 44-year-old was recommended by the joint finding committee con…

Landscapes full of maize harm bumblebee colonies - Pressemitteilung, 20.11.2018
Bumblebee colonies in landscapes dominated by maize collect pollen from relatively few types of plant species and therefore grow less than those colonies which find a diverse range of pollen i…