Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Systems
to the web pages of the Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Systems (formerly Institute for Nonlinear Dynamics) of the Faculty of Physics of the Georg August University in Göttingen.

The Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Systems is devoted to the study of pattern formation and dynamics of complex systems physics and biology. Our focus areas in research and teaching are theoretical biophysics (Prof. Klumpp) and the physics of fluids (Prof. Bodenschatz, Prof. Dillmann). The Department of Physics Didactics (Prof. Klein, Prof. Schneider) is also part of the Institute, with research on physics didactics and responsibility for physics teacher training (Didactics of Physics).
The Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Systems is closely linked with the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Some of our research groups are located at these institutes, whose additional groups broaden the spectrum of our research topics.
Please find an overview over the research groups and fields here.