- Here you can find our FAQ.
- In our general terms and conditions of registration you can find out who our offers are aimed at and what you need to bear in mind when registering and, if applicable, deregistering.
- Often searched for, so you can find it right here: The form for internal cost allocation. Instructions for completing:
- Please enter your department/institute as the sender and Hochschuldidaktik, Waldweg 26, 37073 Göttingen as the recipient.
- Please enter both the name of the person taking part and the title of the workshopor in the case of payment for program participation, please enter “Certificate Program” or “Certificate Program PLUS”) in the description.
- The signature on the internal service invoice may not be provided by the participant alone; the signature of another person is required.
- Please note: The payment of the contribution for participating persons from the UMG can not be made via internal benefit allocation.
You should send the completed service exchange form, signed by the responsible administrator (or the secretary's office), to the University Didactics Department by post (or internal mail). Please attach a printout of the confirmation for the workshop/program (email) to the service exchange form so that the payment can be assigned! - Please enter your department/institute as the sender and Hochschuldidaktik, Waldweg 26, 37073 Göttingen as the recipient.
- For better orientation, please refer to our information on the venue for the best way to reach us.