Through collaboration, you can gain fresh ideas for your business challenges and meet new talents – and we can make our teaching and research more practical.

- In Teaching
- In Research
By collaborating in teaching, you can meet young talents and advertise internships, working student positions, or job offers in your company. For example, give technical guest lectures of about 60 minutes and then discuss with students. Or bring your own topic or development suggestions for native apps, web applications, or SAP developments into project seminars. After we jointly define the requirements, student groups design and develop prototypes. We then provide you with the project results and prototypes.
You can give guest lectures in these advanced modules:
- Information Processing in Service Enterprises
- Information Processing in Industrial Enterprises
- Integrated Application Systems
- Modeling and System Development
Industry partners contribute topic proposals for app, web, or SAP developments, which are then conceptualized, prototyped, and ultimately presented by student groups:
- Project Seminar on System Development: Web Applications
- Project Seminar on System Development: Mobile Applications
- SAP Project Seminar
Active participation in teaching, for example, in the following modules:
Gain fresh perspectives on your business challenges through a collaboration. For example, master's students can develop concepts and partial solutions for your business challenges as part of their five-month thesis. Current topics for theses can be found here.
During a project study, students work in groups of two to five under scientific supervision on projects in your company to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. They can perform actual analyses, develop target concepts, and implement prototypes. Current topics for the project study can be found here.
Knowledge exchange is even deeper through cooperation in a practice-oriented doctoral thesis. Students investigate business problems whose relevance and scope justify several years of research. Such a project can also prepare students for future employment in your company. Externally funded research projects are the most flexible form of knowledge transfer. Externally funded positions at the chair, such as 50-50 or 75-25 percent positions, can be supported to ensure intensive exchange.
Don't hesitate to contact us!
Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
Prof. Dr. M. Schumann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39-24442