Information on modules
The university information portal StudIP is used for the modules offered by the “Livestock farming systems” division. In addition to the posting of information materials for our modules, the assignment to group work will also take place in StudIP.

Information on theses Would you like to write your thesis in our department? Then please contact Ms. Dr. Sabrina Elsholz

Bachelor modules

Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: The module teaches the principles and fundamental aspects of animal nutrition, animal hygiene and product quality. Basics in animal nutrition include the importance of feed ingredients, digestive processes and feed evaluation as well as feeding livestock. Basics in animal and food hygiene include relevant diseases, use of medicines, disease control and food hygiene. There is also an introduction to the quality assessment of animal products.
Offered: Every semester
Contents: This module deals with the most important physiological, ethological and technical and technical principles of livestock systems.
Offered: Each summer semester
Contents: On the basis of current scientific topics in the field of livestock farming (development and evaluation of husbandry systems, precision livestock farming), individual aspects will be aspects are worked on in small groups. The first step is literature research, selection and application of methods for recording parameters (including performance, animal behaviour animal behaviour, animal health and animal welfare). Using selected examples, these will be deepened in practical exercises. This is followed by parameters as well as their interpretation and presentation with regard to the the defined experimental question.
Offered: Each summersemester
Contents: As part of this module, the production systems of livestock farming are presented are presented and the choice of system is analysed. In addition to the sub-processes of animal production (feed provision, climate control, manure removal, waste material utilisation, exhaust air treatment and exhaust air treatment and bioenergetic utilisation), upstream and downstream processes are also covered. Downstream areas are also dealt with. In selected projects, these processes are evaluated in depth, multifactorially.
Offered: Each summer semester
Contents:Fundamentals of organic animal husbandry with regard to husbandry requirements, organic livestock breeding, organic animal health, organic feeding, product quality, nutrient management, conversion to organic farming.

Master modules

Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: On the one hand, this module deals with the basics of animal-friendly and environmentally friendly and economically viable horse husbandry, on the other hand the structural and technical realisation for the various applications (leisure, sport, breeding etc.). (leisure, sport, breeding, etc.). The module covers the basics of climate design (climate elements, climate factors, thermoregulation in horses, systems for ventilation, gas formation and bioaerosols), Fundamentals of feed supply and feeding technology (roughage, concentrated feed, feed, concentrated feed, pasture), bedding requirements, bedding methods, monitoring techniques, residual material utilisation, assessment models for animal welfare.
Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: This module analyses and evaluates different forms and processes of livestock production. Emphasis is placed on the application of evaluation methods, the study of different production systems and the critical evaluation of management practices. Students will learn methods for planning and optimising sustainable and animal-friendly husbandry systems, taking into account economic and ethical aspects.
Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: Basic principles and methodological foundations (fuzzy logic, neural networks) for precision livestock farming; sensors (biosensors and sensor technology), Monitoring and control of production processes (IR thermography, NIR/MIR, digital image analysis, vocalisation analysis, body condition scoring). Applications in the field of dairy cattle, pig and poultry farming as well as material composition.
Offered: Each summer semester
Contents: This module provides in-depth knowledge of the evaluation of equine production systems and processes, and the analysis and optimisation of management interventions. Particular emphasis is placed on equine diseases in the areas of internal medicine, surgery and orthopaedics, including health problems associated with husbandry and use. Students will also acquire knowledge of prophylactic measures for disease prevention and the medical and hygienic requirements for the operation of an equine veterinary clinic.
Offered: Every second summer semester
Contents: This module covers all relevant sub-areas and material areas relating to the farm animal pig. This includes breeding and genetics, husbandry and process engineering, structures in the primary stage as well as in the upstream and downstream feed quality management, animal health, integration concepts, product and process quality, breeding and process quality, breeding strategies, animal welfare, pollution control, etc.

PhD modules

Offered: Every Semester
Contents:During this course, the doctoral students present the topics of their research work from the entire field of livestock sciences and present them for critical discussion.
Offered: Every Semester
Contents:Learning and application of the latest methods and techniques in the field of livestock science.